Hey, guys! Just a need to share.
Judy Conibear, president of The Inland Empire California Writer's Group, I must say, did a wonderful job hosting 'Another Bloomin' Writer's Conference'. She moved the day along, smoothly, on time and with great poise. The day was kicked into gear with a great Taco Lunch, and the first guest speaker--Paula Priamos, author of 'The Shyster's Daughter (a memoir) set the bar high. Paula was not only awesome, but very well organized and informative on the information as to how to become a published author, She answered a lot of great questions from the audience of authors that have already published, and those writers looking to become published in the near future. And of course the mood and energy in the room didn't stop there. Martin Lastrapes, one of Amazon's number one best selling author's, kept that momentum going with his knowledge on writing and promotion. And those were only two, to name a few of the wonderful events going on that day. For the writer who struggles with, or is just a bit rusty on pitching there book, or just in need to get a better grasp on it, for that big day that they are in front of an agent, or whether merely just for practice in front of of an audience, there was that, timed, three minute pitch session. To be honest, there was something for everyone.
So to sum-up...Another Bloomin' Writer's Conference was awesome! And as they say Be Ready...Don't Get Ready...
Happy reading and happy writing...
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