Hello, guys. I've been doing some heavy thinking. Mostly about my writing. Who am I as a writer? Why write? Are the stories that I write even worth the paper they're printed on? And most importantly, is my writing, intriguing to my readers? Well. A week ago, I met a young lady in the supermarket. She seemed to be a very sweet girl and being the extroverted person that I am; outside of writing...we sparked up a conversation, which leads her to this, " So sort of stories do you write, and what are you working on right now?" I cringed as always, although I felt good about my present story. Still, I felt my heartbeat thump against my chest. But give or take a few mental breaths: I was okay. So I gave her a brief synopsis into the world of four women, a dark secret and a gun that leads one of them to her death. Her eyes widened. Her face sort of dropped, and she seemed a bit sad, maybe disappointed. At that point, I felt awful, uninspired to complete such novel that could put my reader into such a state. But then I think I smiled, which lead to her smiling too. She then asked the reason I'd decided to write such a dark story, and at first, I didn't think I had an answer. So, I just looked at her; not sure any answer I gave after the look on her face from earlier, would make any sense, or difference to her. But then I decided, honesty was the best policy. Maybe my reason for writing a dark story will offend many of my readers. Maybe it would resonate too close to home for some. But I'm a writer. And as a writer, the stories I write may not always be a happily ever after one. The truth sometimes hurts, and I've learned that first hand. Families don't always find that silver lining or notice how beautiful a rainbow is after a hard rain.
So now you'll read my story. 'String of Pearls.' A suspenseful, women's Literary novel and take from it what you will. But just remember. Sometimes family's are broken. Sometimes they're able to work through the hard times and find that silver lining. However, the question I leave with you is. Can or will the four women in my novel: Jewels, Diamond, Treasure and Fanny: be able to?
So now you'll read my story. 'String of Pearls.' A suspenseful, women's Literary novel and take from it what you will. But just remember. Sometimes family's are broken. Sometimes they're able to work through the hard times and find that silver lining. However, the question I leave with you is. Can or will the four women in my novel: Jewels, Diamond, Treasure and Fanny: be able to?
And remember...Live life
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