I read a blog today, posted by Rachelle Gardner...and for some reason it struck a nerve ( in a good way). The blog was titled...The facts vs. The Story You Tell Yourself. Well after reading her blog it didn't take long for me to find myself (the facts vs. my story I have been telling myself). She gave three scenarios which I won't write out, but I will say that I was regretfully in the first one ;( Being a writer is hard work, and takes years to perfect; for many of us, its a hard road to success. However, if writings is your passion and you find yourself longing to write instead of cooking, cleaning, or your job (outside of writing), then it tells a great deal about you as a writer, and it can be very rewarding.
Maybe not in the pocket book, but within you, and that means writing more and learning more, which will eventually without your knowledge--put more into your pocket book. :)...you can only get better. Anyway, in this blog, I did find me, and the truth is, although I/ we write and love it...I/we-- it may take years to find out who we are as a writer. But as long as we continue to follow our passion-- who we are as a writer will prevail. So keep writing and never stop following your pen, or for some of you-- your computer or laptop keys... Happy writing and enjoy reading...remember, reading is knowledge, whether, it's for entertainment or not.
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