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Monday, September 10, 2012

Pitch Potential

I read a blog by Rachelle Gardner, I try to read her blogs every chance I get, about Pitching Your potential. Her points were, and to me are always great points. She discuss a writers,(me included)pursuit of publication and the worry we as writers have when ready to publish "What have you published in the past?" She's right when she talk about how we as writers feel about that question (worry of not being taken seriously if we haven't published any past books, or if we have, how well or not so well has that book done and how will it affects us). She's also right when she says that many writers don't have a track record. However, she gives great pointers,and information that could help-- like: HIGHLIGHTING YOUR POTENTIAL. She states that agents and editors may be swayed by your potential more than your track record. In her blog she gives ways that we as writers can sell that potential: Be Exciting (make every pitch unique and compelling, Have a large bag of tricks (don't pitch just one idea), Know how to network (have a following), Let every word shine (make people love your writing, ideas). The list can go on and on, and if you've gotten anything out of my blog, I'm happy. If you want to know more about pitching, feel free to visit Rachelle Gardner's blog, I'm sure she won't mind. We are all here to help each other. Good luck guys and happy writing!

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